Thursday, May 26, 2005

Dhoop Kinaray :-)


Jahanzaib said...

nice Pic....
and i did not guess your name first i saw your name on ejaz aasi blog and then came to your blog :)
anyway you are not the same person i was thinking about but its the same name and same location too :)
Toronto :)

Ayesha said...

Thanks Jahanzeb.
Its interesting, I'll keep my eyes and ears open for my "humnaam" who have good taste in poetry.

3rd avenue said...

thanks for visiting my blog
i like some of your pics
keep trying! :)

Natasha said...

hey ayesha. yeah we have the same template :). thanx for visting my blog. keep visiting :D. you take pretty neat pictures too!!! i like this dhoop kinaray and the mithoo bacha one. the baby is so adorable! i'm not studying photography although i would love to. its just a hobby. i'm hoping to take some courses and improve my amatuerish approach. take care!

Asma said...
